Child Pornography Charges Lead To Serious Consequences

Child pornography charges can wreak havoc on all areas of your life. From your reputation to your family, having a criminal defense attorney who knows the law is crucial. Our criminal defense lawyers at Sapone & Petrillo, LLP, have worked with clients throughout New York. If you are facing these accusations, it is imperative that you seek counsel sooner rather than later. The mere claim can have a tremendous impact on your day-to-day life, as well as your future.

What You Need To Know About Child Pornography Cases

Our job, as a client’s representative, is to defend them in every way we can. We have dealt with the most complex federal charges, including conspiracy charges or cases that have been presented to a grand jury for charges after an extensive investigation. One of our cases included dealing with the dissemination of more than 100 images of pre-pubescent minors. For computer-related crimes, one of the best way to prevail is to attack the evidence from every possible avenue, including denying ownership of the computer. Our attorneys will examine every aspect of a case in order to find areas of weakness. We will look at everything from the validity of the warrant to illegal possession of your property.

Penalties And Consequences Of Computer Sex Crimes

The consequences of being found guilty of a child pornography case or a criminal conviction for a sex crime are severe. A first-time offender could be looking at fines and a minimum of 15 to 30 years in prison. For those who are accused of transporting child pornography, it could lead to five to 20 years behind bars. When you are facing federal criminal charges, strict sentencing guidelines can require mandatory minimum sentences. If you have prior criminal convictions, it can make matters even worse. Other considerations are also made when images are found. If those photos are violent, masochistic or sadistic, you may face life in prison. Simply put, there are mandatory minimums based on certain cases. Most convictions for sex crimes also require registration as a sex offender, which can severely impact your reputation, freedoms and future for the rest of your life.

A Tenacious Criminal Defense Attorney Is Key

Due to the nature of these crimes, having a lawyer who is experienced and skilled in all aspects of criminal law in both state and federal court is of the utmost importance. Our team listens to the concerns of our clients in order to find the best possible solution. Secure an experienced advocate in your corner who will fiercely defend your rights and freedom every step of the way.

Charged With A Pornography Crime? Call Now.

If you are facing any sort of criminal charges for a sex offense or child pornography crime, don’t wait. Call our office at 212-349-9000 or email us through our website to schedule an appointment today.