Insider trading is a term that most investors have heard, but not everyone understands its implications or the defenses available to those accused of it. Insider trading involves buying or selling a security in breach of a fiduciary duty or other relationship of trust...
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Firm News
What can make an online investment newsletter fraudulent?
The Internet is a major venue for investment opportunities, and corporations can greatly increase their revenue through online stock recommendations. Oftentimes these stock recommendations are included in newsletters posted on investment websites. These...
Pyramid schemes have moved online using cryptocurrency
The sale, exchange and investment of cryptocurrencies has become increasingly popular amongst online investors. Still, those who run platforms where these investments are made need to ensure their operations are legitimate. They do not want to be accused of operating...
Can you argue entrapment in your white-collar crime case?
The penalties associated with a white-collar crime conviction can be extensive, threatening to throw you behind bars for years. If you’re afraid of what your pending criminal case might do to your freedom and your future, you need to figure out the best way to defend...
How do I fight New York City investor financial fraud charges?
If you are facing financial fraud charges in New York City, you likely feel overwhelmed and scared. Financial fraud is a serious crime that can carry severe penalties, including fines, restitution and prison time. However, being accused of financial fraud does not...
Current Medicaid rebate system can lead to “best-price” fraud
People who are enrolled in Medicaid are entitled to pay the lowest amount possible for their prescription drugs. This is accomplished through a rebate system in which drug manufacturers reimburse the government for any differences between the “best price” offered and...
Bank officer charged with multi-million-dollar fraud scheme
The U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York and the Federal Bureau of Investigation jointly announced the arrest and charging of a former business relationship manager at a financial institution located in Manhattan in what they described as a years-long...
Can you act as a bookie in New York City?
Being a “bookie” is a bit of an underground occupation or hobby and for good reason. This is because bookmaking is an unlawful gambling activity under New York law in most circumstances and could easily lead to criminal charges. What do bookies do? Bookies set the...
Here’s why you should think twice before talking to the police
Being under criminal investigation can be enormously stressful. After all, you probably know that a criminal conviction for the crime being investigated can carry severe penalties. You could end up facing large fines, damage to your career and reputation and, most...
Safe consumption sites might one day be legal in New York
Most of us cannot deny that the United States is in the midst of a significant drug overdose crisis. Drug overdoses can easily lead to fatalities, leaving children without parents, partners without partners and parents without children. Recognizing the trauma caused...