Being under criminal investigation can be enormously stressful. After all, you probably know that a criminal conviction for the crime being investigated can carry severe penalties. You could end up facing large fines, damage to your career and reputation and, most importantly, incarceration.
A lot of people who are under investigation think that the best way to get out from under law enforcement’s suspicions is to explain away everything. But this is actually how most people end up getting into bigger trouble and handing over evidence that’s then used against them. Therefore, you need to be extraordinarily careful when you have contact with the police.
Top reasons why you shouldn’t talk to the police
When investigators are hovering over you, you need to make sure that you’re protecting yourself as fully as possible. One of the best ways to do this is to avoid talking to the police unless it’s absolutely necessary, and then only doing so with an attorney by your side.
Here are the top reasons why you should avoid talking to the police when they come knocking:
- The police are looking for a conviction: Regardless of how they act, the police are not your friend. They may say they’re just looking for information, but there’s a good chance they’re trying to find a way to build a case against you. Don’t help them do that. Instead, be suspicious of them from the get-go and assume that they think you’re guilty of committing a crime.
- The police will lie to you: Investigators will do just about anything in their power to get a conviction. One successful tactic that they utilize is lying to suspects. They might say that they have evidence against you that actually doesn’t exist, or they may claim that another individual has made statements that incriminate you. Don’t believe what the police are saying to you, though.
- Your words will be twisted out of context: Even if you want to try to help the police, doing so can be dangerous. This is because they can take your statements and twist them out of context so that they can be used against you. That’s why you’re probably better off just refraining from talking to the police until your attorney advises you otherwise.
- The police can’t promise you anything: A lot of individuals talk to the police because they think that the police will go easier on them if they cooperate. The police might even make statements that confirm that belief. But investigators don’t have the power to negotiate criminal charges and plea deals. Only the prosecutor can do that. So don’t fall for this slick tactic that’s often used by the police.
Won’t staying silent make you look guilty?
There’s a legal presumption that you’re innocent until proven guilty. Your silence doesn’t prove anything. You also have the right to remain silent. So, even though the police may state that your silence makes you look guilty, that’s not going to play well in a court of law.
Don’t let the police push you into making incriminating statements
A criminal conviction can leave you facing severe penalties that can upend life as you know it. To avoid that from happening to you, you need to start building your criminal defense as soon as possible, even as early as when the investigation begins.
By having a legal advocate by your side, you can ensure that you’re not pushed around by the police and that your interests and rights are fully protected. Hopefully, you can retain your freedom by beating any allegations that are made against you.