If you’re facing drug charges, your future is on the line. That’s why you need to leave no stone unturned as you develop your criminal defense. This includes addressing crucial matters like jury selection and witness credibility. Why witness credibility matters The...
Protecting Your Rights And Your Future
Drug Crimes
2 men arrested for drug trafficking after wiretap
On Oct. 6, 2021, police stopped a truck driver who was on his way to New York City and accused him of trafficking cocaine. The arrest happened at a truck stop in Virginia while the driver was transporting boxed food products. After searching the truck, police...
False positives are common with drug tests
If you are being charged with a drug crime in New York City, one of the key pieces of evidence in your case could be a drug test. However, even if the results of your drug test came up positive for a controlled substance, this doesn’t mean you have to plead guilty....
What to know about suppressing evidence
If you have been charged with a crime, a New York prosecutor can only use evidence that is collected in accordance with the law. Otherwise, your attorney may move to have it suppressed. Let's take a look at the various reasons why evidence might be ruled inadmissible...
Five people arrested on drug charges
Five people in New York have been arrested after the authorities reportedly seized massive amounts of drugs, firearms and drug paraphernalia. On Oct. 26, police executed their first search warrant at one of the suspect’s residences in Columbia County. Police claim to...
47 people have been indicted over a drug trafficking ring
Nearly 50 people in New York have been indicted for taking part in a drug trafficking ring that distributed illegal drugs throughout the city. The indictments came after a year-long investigation conducted by multiple law enforcement agencies. To gather information on...
Man faces multiple drug charges after raid
A man in New York has been charged with trafficking potentially lethal combinations of illegal drugs. In August, the Drug Enforcement Agency raided the man's home on Walton Avenue. They claim to have found bricks of illegal substances stuffed in a hidden compartment...
New York high court dismisses criminal charges after bogus stop
It is common for police officers to initiate a traffic stop for one perceived offense only to focus on a more serious offense upon closer inspection. For instance, a driver might be pulled over for a traffic infraction, but then be investigated drug possession if the...
A dozen people arrested in NYC in recent drug bust
New York residents know how serious facing drug charges can be. Despite what some would say is a trend toward a relaxed position about “recreational” drugs in America as a whole, possession and distribution of most illegal drugs will still usually lead to felony...